Math Expression (math)

Use this plugin to quickly paste math expressions as PNG, SVG, or even Unicode! This can come in handy when preparing slides or writing emails.

Click on the Options slider below the math preview to access various quick settings.

To use the pdflatex processing option, please make sure you have pdflatex installed and added to your path.

The following options are available:

  • Input Type
    • LaTeX Math: f(x)=x^2, f:\mathbb{R}\mapsto\mathbb{R}
    • AsciiMath: f(x)=x^2, f: RR |-> RR
  • Processing Method
  • Output Type
    • PNG
    • SVG
    • Unicode
  • Font Size (important for resolution)
  • Resolution (% of pixels per pasted image height, relevant only for pixel graphic output)
  • Paste Color
  • Display Style

AsciiMath is an easy-to-write markup language, that allows you to write math expressions more effortlessly in comparison to Latex math expressions. You can read up on it on the official website. There is a custom implementation for the transformation of AsciiMath to latex when using it in combination with unicode as output. This implementation is based on the specification on the official website. In the following, there is an overview of all symbols:

Here are the grouped symbols with the LaTeX commands escaped so that the LaTeX code is visible.

Greek Letters

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
alpha \alpha α
beta \beta β
gamma \gamma γ
delta \delta δ
epsilon \epsilon ε
zeta \zeta ζ
theta \theta θ
iota \iota ι
kappa \kappa κ
lambda \lambda λ
mu \mu μ
nu \nu ν
xi \xi ξ
pi \pi π
rho \rho ρ
sigma \sigma σ
tau \tau τ
upsilon \upsilon υ
phi \phi φ
chi \chi χ
psi \psi ψ
omega \omega ω
Gamma \Gamma Γ
Delta \Delta Δ
Theta \Theta Θ
Lambda \Lambda Λ
Xi \Xi Ξ
Pi \Pi Π
Sigma \Sigma Σ
Upsilon \Upsilon Υ
Phi \Phi Φ
Psi \Psi Ψ
Omega \Omega Ω

Basic Operations and Relations

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
<= \leq
>= \geq
!= \neq
=== \equiv
or \or
not \neg ¬
implies \Rightarrow
iff \Leftrightarrow


AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
sqrt \sqrt
frac \frac
sin \sin sin
cos \cos cos
tan \tan tan
log \log log
ln \ln ln
exp \exp exp

Sums and Products

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
sum \sum
prod \prod
int \int
oint \oint

Other Symbols

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
infty \infty
partial \partial
nabla \nabla
cdot \cdot
times \times ×
div \div ÷
mod \mod mod
perp \perp
parallel \parallel
angle \angle
triangle \triangle
degree ^{\circ} °

Here are the missing tables grouped by category:

Superscripts and Subscripts

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
x^2 x^{2} ²
x_i x_{i} x₁


AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
uarr \uparrow
darr \downarrow
rarr \rightarrow
larr \leftarrow
harr \leftrightarrow
rArr \Rightarrow
lArr \Leftarrow
hArr \Leftrightarrow
|-> \mapsto
-> \rightarrow
<- \leftarrow
=> \Rightarrow
<= \leq

Logical Operators

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
and \land
or \lor
not \neg ¬
if \rightarrow
<=> \Leftrightarrow


AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
in \in
ni \ni
subset \subset
supset \supset
subseteq \subseteq
supseteq \supseteq
emptyset \emptyset
cup \cup
cap \cap
setminus \setminus
Union \bigcup
Intersect \bigcap


AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
hatx \hat{x}
barx \overline{x}
vecx \vec{x} x⃗
tildex \tilde{x}
dotx \dot{x}
ddotx \ddot{x}

Font Commands

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
bb “ABC” \mathbb{ABC} 𝔸𝔹ℂ
bf “ABC” \mathbf{ABC} 𝐀𝐁𝐂
it “ABC” \mathit{ABC} 𝑨𝑩𝑪
sf “ABC” \mathsf{ABC} 𝖠𝖡𝖢
tt “ABC” \mathtt{ABC} 𝚨𝚩𝚪
fr “ABC” \mathfrak{ABC} 𝔄𝔅ℭ
cc “ABC” \mathcal{ABC} 𝒜ℬ𝒞

Basic Arithmetic Operators

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
+ + +
- - -
*** \star
** \ast
* \cdot

Special Symbols

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
xx \times ×
-: \div ÷
: \colon :
o+ \oplus
ox \otimes
o. \odot
^^ \wedge
^^^ \bigwedge
vvv \bigvee
vv \vee
nnn \bigcap
nn \cap
uuu \bigcup
uu \cup

Comparison Operators

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
!= \neq
<= \leq
>= \geq
~= \approx
~~~ \approx
prop \propto

Set Membership

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
-<= \subset
-<> \subsetneq
>-= \supset
>-< \supsetneq
!in \notin


AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character    
  cdots   \cdots
vdots \vdots    
ddots \ddots    

Geometric Shapes

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
diamond \diamond
square \square
|__ __| \parallel
|~ ~| \sim

Set Symbols

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
CC \mathbb{C}
NN \mathbb{N}
QQ \mathbb{Q}
RR \mathbb{R}
ZZ \mathbb{Z}

Quantifiers and Logical Symbols

AsciiMath Input LaTeX Output Unicode Character
AA \forall
forall \forall
EE \exists
exists \exists
| \bot
TT \top
|– \vdash
|== \models

Copyright © 2024 Philip Müller. Application Icon made by Freepik.